好像太平洋就是大杯浴池似的 —— 如果真的躺平1天。只有1天,就能达到上千W,甚至上亿, 1天就回不来了。 |
新冠确实有后遗症,那就是100年后得新冠的都会死 |
支持你jj短3厘米。洋大人jj长不怕,你短三厘米可能就成妹子了 |
放开只能说更糟可能全国都能感染一遍,然后医疗资源不够,物资更不够,各种天价开始,又开始骂了。说白了,就是想过最好的生活,不想牺牲。 |
扯一个病啥都能扯到政治,扯到地域,扯到洗脑,“次生灾害死的比新冠死的都多” 全给你研究完了,你看的就是健康媒体,逻辑能力就是世界上最厉害的,自己都懂“多一事不如少一事”的道理,等放开了就你最幸运了,大家能得奥密克戎,你能得奥密克戎变异体,大家都死,你死不了,世界上也就你最安全最健康。 |
本帖最后由 Venkio 于 2022-4-4 09:15 编辑
是啊,那些死掉的就不是因为后遗症+并发症死的,都是假的,建议放开口罩裸奔。 Multiorgan System Effects of COVID-19 Multiorgan system effects of COVID-19 have been documented in most, if not all, body systems including cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, dermatologic, neurologic, and psychiatric. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) and autoimmune conditions can also occur after COVID-19. MIS can lead to longer term symptoms due to unresolved complications from the illness. The nature and duration of potential post-MIS symptoms are currently under investigation. A wide variety of health effects can persist after the acute illness has resolved (e.g., pulmonary fibrosis, myocarditis). It is unknown how long multiorgan system effects might last and whether or not the effects could lead to chronic health conditions. Effects of COVID-19 Illness or Hospitalization Effects of COVID-19 illness or hospitalization can include tracheal stenosis from prolonged intubation, severe weakness, and deconditioning. Some of these effects are similar to those from hospitalization for other respiratory infections or other conditions. This category can also encompass post-intensive care syndrome (PICS), which includes a range of health effects that remain after a critical illness. These effects can include severe weakness and post-traumatic stress disorder. Though the effects of hospitalization may not be unique to COVID-19 illness, they are considered post-COVID conditions if they occur after a SARS-CoV-2 infection and persist for four or more weeks. New or Ongoing Symptoms There are a wide range of other new or ongoing symptoms and clinical findings that can occur in people with varying degrees of illness from acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, including patients who have had mild or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. These effects can overlap with multiorgan complications, or with effects of treatment or hospitalization. This category is heterogeneous and will likely be modified in the future, as it can include patients who have clinically important but poorly understood symptoms (e.g., difficulty thinking or concentrating, post-exertional malaise) that can be persistent or intermittent after initial acute infection with SARS-CoV-2. Clinicians and researchers are still in the early stages of understanding post-COVID conditions. Ways in which SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to reported symptoms are still being evaluated. To date, the most commonly reported persisting symptoms include: Dyspnea or increased respiratory effort |
本帖最后由 Venkio 于 2022-4-4 09:15 编辑
对,那些得新冠死了的也是假的,都是假的。 Multiorgan System Effects of COVID-19 Multiorgan system effects of COVID-19 have been documented in most, if not all, body systems including cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, dermatologic, neurologic, and psychiatric. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) and autoimmune conditions can also occur after COVID-19. MIS can lead to longer term symptoms due to unresolved complications from the illness. The nature and duration of potential post-MIS symptoms are currently under investigation. A wide variety of health effects can persist after the acute illness has resolved (e.g., pulmonary fibrosis, myocarditis). It is unknown how long multiorgan system effects might last and whether or not the effects could lead to chronic health conditions. Effects of COVID-19 Illness or Hospitalization Effects of COVID-19 illness or hospitalization can include tracheal stenosis from prolonged intubation, severe weakness, and deconditioning. Some of these effects are similar to those from hospitalization for other respiratory infections or other conditions. This category can also encompass post-intensive care syndrome (PICS), which includes a range of health effects that remain after a critical illness. These effects can include severe weakness and post-traumatic stress disorder. Though the effects of hospitalization may not be unique to COVID-19 illness, they are considered post-COVID conditions if they occur after a SARS-CoV-2 infection and persist for four or more weeks. New or Ongoing Symptoms There are a wide range of other new or ongoing symptoms and clinical findings that can occur in people with varying degrees of illness from acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, including patients who have had mild or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. These effects can overlap with multiorgan complications, or with effects of treatment or hospitalization. This category is heterogeneous and will likely be modified in the future, as it can include patients who have clinically important but poorly understood symptoms (e.g., difficulty thinking or concentrating, post-exertional malaise) that can be persistent or intermittent after initial acute infection with SARS-CoV-2. Clinicians and researchers are still in the early stages of understanding post-COVID conditions. Ways in which SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to reported symptoms are still being evaluated. To date, the most commonly reported persisting symptoms include: Dyspnea or increased respiratory effort |
本帖最后由 狂人 于 2022-4-4 07:37 编辑
国人不怕清零 而且怕这种毫无物资准备 毫无医疗准备 各个部门分割 互不帮助 互怕担责 只管执行上面的落后信息的政策 无论对错 无法针对真实情况置之不理 他就是看到别人头有问题 但是命令是治疗脚步 他就算看到是头有问题 还是会一贯治脚的 自保的决定 武汉过去两年时间 两年过去 上海封城 混乱程度 足以说明 很多事情 并且 这种持续反复清零 不仅仅对老百姓民生和经济影响 上海这种级别的城市 国家层面经济损失 他也承受不住多次的如此封城 清零和开放 各有优势 但是千万别以为我们是惜命才走清零的决定 从历史来看 根本说不通 |
清零本身没错,可怕的是以清零之名行。。。。 |
如果不考虑老年人或者那些有基础病的其实躺平顺其自然是最好,可以当作感冒看。 |
那你这样想也没办法,可以脱下口罩裸奔,后遗症他们有在研究,有兴趣可以多去看看,我是不想自己得上这种病。 |
这些mjj真的要没jj了,真担心雪丫鬟和赵哲 |
行买办之实 |
全世界除了朝鲜和某国最怕,连俄罗斯都不怕,丢人 |
深圳土著h20完胜魔都雪丫鬟和赵哲 |
挺支持动态清零的,至少自己亲身经历还不错 |
不应该是深圳土著HOH与魔王面基完胜魔都雪丫鬟和水王赵哲 |
得了新冠后遗症够你吃一壶的,你确定身体扛得住? |