
lowendtalk 多次提到 mjj 。。。

本帖最后由 职业菜鸟 于 2022-3-24 11:45 编辑

在 https://lowendtalk.com/discussion/177704/virmach-ryzen-nvme-8-88-yr-384mb-21-85-yr-2-5gb-instant-japan-pre-order-more/p34

lowendtalk  多次提到 mjj 。。。没什么好话


foitinfoitin Member
10:26AM edited 10:31AM FlagThanks
Agreed. MJJs want cheap AND China optimized otherwise they work order then chargeback/start PayPal disputes.
Large market = more hassle dealing with MJJs = more noisy nei**ors and even potential abusers for other legit customers.

Both Member
10:38AM FlagThanks
Mjj will abuse vps, they like to mine virtual coins

BothBoth Member
11:14AM FlagThanks
Mjj bought a lot of 384MB vps of this kind, it is recommended to strictly limit the cpu performance of this vps, so that Mjj can’t dig virtual currency

uzerhodeuzerhode Member
11:31AM FlagThanks
@Both said:
Mjj bought a lot of 384MB vps of this kind, it is recommended to strictly limit the cpu performance of this vps, so that Mjj can’t dig virtual currency

agreed, and torrenting too.

let就是一群mjj装鬼佬用英文对飙的地方lowendtalk  多次提到 mjj 。。。
差不多得了 大家一样烂
你有没有想过,这货也是mjjlowendtalk  多次提到 mjj 。。。
LET大多也是东亚 东南亚用户比较多吧   比烂不相上下  lowendtalk  多次提到 mjj 。。。
看不懂  懒得看  管他干啥
大家都是比烂lowendtalk  多次提到 mjj 。。。

表妹 发表于 2022-3-24 11:41

其实我就是好奇 为什么有人 能 精神外国人?

职业菜鸟 发表于 2022-3-24 11:44
其实我就是好奇 为什么有人 能 精神外国人?
