重启或者关机重启也不行,nnd ,得到的回复This is related because of STARDUST1-S resources shortage. Indeed, the system is unable to allocate resources for your instance. There is not much to do except waiting for resources provisioning or upgrading your instance. 意思是资源缺货,要嘛等要么升级,nnd,我正在使用的机子你也可以帮我删掉? |
花钱了就去问候它祖宗,白女票的就默默承受着 |
scaleway有白**的? |
所以要发工单怼它啊,花钱买的,怎么能受得了这种气 |
正在怼,不知道有没有用,不然只能删机走人了! |
I’m sorry about your problem. But when you stops this type of instance, the instance is considered free. As said my colleagues, There is not much to do except waiting for resources provisioning or upgrading your instance. Sorry for the inconvenience. md是说只要关机就会被释放?有这种操作? |
自从他家对象存储改免费政策后我就不考虑他家的东西了,谁知道以后又会有什么变动,说不定星尘的机器冷不丁给你涨个价 |
这家关机和重启不一样的。关机貌似ip可能变 |
是的,资源池就那么多,如果你重启或者关机,可能就开不回来了。 不然那些用API不停刷的人,是怎么开机的。 |
md,不好玩,删机算了,让mjj抢吧! |