Important: Changing to our IPv4 address space
We will be switching to our own IPv4 address space, New IPv4 addresses will be assigned to ALL services before 30/01/2022. Affected IP ranges: Singapore: These subnets will be deactivated on 31/01/2022. Please open a support ticket if you would like your IP changed now or at a scheduled time. |
在受影响的JP网段内,已提交工单申请更换了 |
免费换IP是好事 |
没影响到我,看这意思是越做越大了,有了自己的AS号和IP段, |
挺好的,万人骑ip经常换换没啥毛病。 |
换了,我本来新加坡的流媒体基本sg全绿ip,换成了印度的辣鸡ip,流媒体全跑印度了 |
lz说又,是之前换过吗? |
都是广播的IP |
之前的不错啊,我怀疑是拿去给最近促销一波的那批用户了 |
jp换过一次 |