
狗曰的 hosthatch !!!!建议列入黑商名单!!!

本帖最后由 xz72670 于 2021-12-23 01:13 编辑


去年买了一台10周年款 80刀2年付1H4G 2T磁盘 6T流量的大盘鸡,自从上周开始,陆续挂了两回,分别被关机了两宿,然后第二天又开机了,我以为是小意外,本以为是我的程序问题导致,其实我太天真了,原来是LA储存节点挂了(官方是这样说,谁知是不是故意在清理用户),我搜了论坛最近关于HH的相关的帖子,都在说挂了,我的机器是周六(12月17日)彻底开始失联,机器一直是被 stopped 状态,然后我发工单,TM的有种时沉大海的感觉,后来官方回复我,要我二选一(邮件原文如下)

As you may be aware, there have been multiple outages that have affected your active storage VM in Los Angeles, hosted on the node "STOR4.LAX"
From our troubleshooting so far, the RAID card in the server appears to be failing and kicking out healthy drives. This is an extremely rare situation, but it is happening at the moment.Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the integrity of the data on the array and are working on moving VMs away from this node. We have the following two options available for you:

1) We create a new VM for you. You move over the data yourself or restore from your backups. We remove the old VM and move over your IP address (if that is needed by you).
2) We migrate your VM to another (healthy) node. However, depending on the size of your storage VM, it may take a long time to migrate during which your VM will remain offline.

Please reply to this email and let us know what you prefer out of these two options.
We would also like to ask you to take a fresh backup of your important data on the VM as soon as possible, in case we have to deal with the worst-case scenario of complete data loss.

Apologies for the inconvenience and we are doing the best on our end to get this resolved ASAP.

1) 我们为您创建一个新的虚拟机。您可以自己移动数据或从备份中恢复数据。我们删除旧的虚拟机并移动到您的IP地址上(如果您需要的话)。

2) 我们将您的VM迁移到另一个(正常)节点。但是,根据存储虚拟机的大小,迁移可能需要很长时间,在此期间虚拟机将保持脱机状态。

我选 2)



Unfortunately we are not able to offer automatic migrations at the moment. We tried to migrate some VMs however due to the size of the disks, it fails during the migration. Regardless of how much data you have used inside the server, for us it is the full disk size that needs to be migrated.

I have created a new server for you. Please migrate over the data from your old server or restore from your backups. We will try to keep the old server alive for as long as we can, however it is on a failing RAID array and we recommend you to move the data as soon as possible.

If you would like for your old IP to be moved to the new VM, please let us know if we can remove the old server and move the IP address.





真IM搞笑,旧机器现在是 stopped 状态,叫我备份数据??!!!

再然后,不知道过了多久,就在账号下看到多了一个新的机器,真TM狗曰的,原来内存是1G的!!!  艹!!!!数据丢了我可以忍,回复工单慢也可以忍,但是你给我换了一台配置减半不止的机器,我忍无可忍!!!艹


hostloc8888 发表于 2021-12-23 02:32


少个邻居少点**事狗曰的 hosthatch !!!!建议列入黑商名单!!!
本帖最后由 cooioobb 于 2021-12-23 01:05 编辑

建议加钱上云+oss。  40刀2T大盘鸡一年。你40刀2T硬盘未必能买到。还要给你提供服务器

我刚去我的瑞典250G看了下,没有问题狗曰的 hosthatch !!!!建议列入黑商名单!!!
心疼楼主;看看能不能争议吧狗曰的 hosthatch !!!!建议列入黑商名单!!!