arm也开了。 今早就翻车了 |
收到邮件,disabled+1 |
赌输了 |
直接懒得折腾了 |
机器还在吗 |
半天体验卡 |
喜闻乐见 |
The following services are suspended and access to these services is disabled. You will have an opportunity to retrieve your data and content till Thursday, September 16, 2021. For details, see the article, Information Center for Administrators, on My Oracle Support, and scroll to the bottom of the page to view the "Additional Termination Instructions for your Cloud Service". You can continue to use OCI Always Free services as long as your account remains active. However, we will not be able to provide customer support and other benefits of paid services unless you upgrade your Oracle Cloud account. Subscription Details Order Details Integrated Cloud Applications & Platform Services This is a system generated message. Don’t reply to this message. You’re receiving this e-mail as a result of your current relationship with Oracle Cloud. General marketing opt-out preferences have been overridden to ensure that you receive this e-mail.
集体翻车 |
xyk注册的六个完好 |