
HostSolutions 1欧年付挪威神鸡焕发新生?

去年搞的,刚收到所在机房的邮件,这是要新生了?HostSolutions 1欧年付挪威神鸡焕发新生?

1 Core
6969MB RAM
6TB Traffic

Your HostSolutions services in Norway is being transferred to Terrahost


Terrahost has entered into an agreement with HostSolutions to transfer all current customers in Norway to us, including physical assets. If you are receiving this email this means you are one of these customers.

Your current plan and pricing will not change and Terrahost will honor this going forward. Unfortunately we are not able to transfer any credits you may have with HostSolutions.

If you are a virtual server customer today your service will soon be migrated to new hardware. Depending on the type of server you have the nodes hardware may vary.

Any SSD/NVMe server will be transferred to our Ryzen 5950X hosts with RAID1 NVMe storage.

Any HDD/Storage server will be transferred to our Dual Xeon E5-2697v3 nodes with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD.

Dedicated server customers will stay as is.

Process going forward:
1. Terrahost will in the coming days move the routing of HostSolutions Norway prefix to Terrahost’s infrastructure. While we are doing this you will experience a small outage as we reconfigure our routers and cabling to the HS rack. You will be notified of this in advance.

2. Customer accounts will be created for everyone. You should receive an email from our system for an ENIGMA login very soon. If you already have an account with us that matches on email we will not open an additional account but add your services to that account.

3. Virtual servers will (hopefully) be migrated live between nodes. If this is not possible you will be notified and given a window where the server is set to be migrated and downtime is to be expected. Downtime can range from just 5 minutes to 1-2 hours depending on the size of your server storage.

4. After all virtual servers have been migrated you will be asked to migrate to a new IP from your current IP in the subnet. Details of this process will be sent later. IP change must happen within 6 months of us moving your server. This also includes dedicated servers.

Customers with biennial or triennial billing will be converted to annual billing, but of course keeping their price as-is.

We hope that you will enjoy your new refreshed services on a Terrahost server very soon. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with either me here, or our team on [email protected].

Terrahost AS

啊这 只能看看系列吗?

louiejordan 发表于 2021-10-21 17:44

去年黑五的LET闪购,€1/年,续费同价,ROMANIA/BUCHAREST/NORWAY 每个机房10台

当时捡漏了最后一个挪威的,幸好不是罗马尼亚机房,否则早就香消玉殒了 HostSolutions 1欧年付挪威神鸡焕发新生?

ccf 发表于 2021-10-21 17:47
去年黑五的LET闪购,€1/年,续费同价,ROMANIA/BUCHAREST/NORWAY 每个机房10台

