
vir 荷兰 是不是挂了啊

vir 荷兰 是不是挂了啊  我擦哦
vir 荷兰 是不是挂了啊

  1. Dear VirMach Customers,
  2. We have been communicating with the datacenter to gather more information, and are waiting for important details to determine how to proceed on a recent unexpected service disruption. Due to the circumstances and since we are waiting for confirmation from specific personnel as it has been escalated to management with the third party partner, a resolution may be delayed in this case, and we do not yet have any confirmation on whether or not services need to be physically migrated to another facility.
  3. We have pre-emptively extended your service’s due date by 1 month (30 days, free of charge.)
  4. As additional details become available, we’ll update the network status page. Please keep in mind that if your service was previously also affected by another issue, that will be resolved separately. We apologize for the lack of details, as we are awaiting communication from a third party.
  5. Thank you.


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帖子名称:《vir 荷兰 是不是挂了啊》