
they say the truth,the do the right thing s,but they got the Felony

本帖最后由 trollstore 于 2024-8-6 14:43 编辑

厉害国死不死 活不活 一点都不care,me care 的是我知道的几个人还关在大牢里面,想起他们的遭遇make me very angry,they do nothing wrong,they say the truth,the do the right thing s,but they got the Felony at the last,this is the country that I know,just they say the truth,they do the right thing,the spend the life in the jail.fuck the Rotten Country

There is a price to pay for speaking the truth → disappear from this world
they say the truth,the do the right thing s,but they got the Felony
我的厉害国朋友们 老师们 不是被关了 就是被抓了 Mjj 们 ji…
我的朋友老师们 不是被关了 就是被抓了 活下的的越来越少了


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帖子名称:《they say the truth,the do the right thing s,but they got the Felony》
