
Terrahost 又被收购了?

Gigahost Acquires Terrahost’s Hosting Services in Norway and the Netherlands

Dear client,
We are pleased to announce that Gigahost is acquiring Terrahost’s hosting services in Norway and the Netherlands. This change marks the beginning of a new chapter for our services while maintaining the high standards and reliability that our customers are accustomed to. What Does This Mean for Customers? No Changes to Your Services
– All services you currently have will remain unchanged. No Price Changes
– Prices will stay the same as before. Your account will be automatically transferred to Gigahost’s systems over the next few days. You will receive an email once the transfer is complete. We are confident that Gigahost will continue Terrahost’s dedication to quality and support. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us. Best regards,

省流版:Gigahost收购了Terrahost,账号过两天会迁移 届时邮件会通知 服务不变 价格不变。

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帖子名称:《Terrahost 又被收购了?》