本帖最后由 Math 于 2022-10-1 18:41 编辑
补充下:这个25T是3年前申请的,这个号是16年一直用到现在的。后面一直就很少登录,就存了一点视频,用的没那么多。 今天突然发现旧电脑上的onedrive客户端掉线了,变成×了,就想着重新登录,结果出错。 然后最差的结果还是来了,尝试了这个E3账号下的所有账号, 发现只要是管理员账号都禁止登录了,包括office365后台,azure,API都封了, 普通账号可以登录,onedrive显示只读,但是我的文件都存在管理员账号啊。。。
借上次google上号被封的事情,自此决定彻底放弃所有的免费方案产品,特么的还是说封就封啊。。。 顺便求解,这种情况怎么申诉啊,至少拿个文件啊。大部分是视频,忘了有没有重要文件。 |
e3 msdn跌落神坛,teams无期限走上巅峰 |
e3msdn跌落神坛 |
打电话给12345 |
The space of onedrive nearly run out! To put it simply, the onedrive of my account cannot be expanded. Its maximum space is limited to 5TB. I want to use more space. Please help me set the maximum space to 25TB. At present, only one account has this requirement, and 97% of the 5T space of this account has been used. This account is " [email protected] " and it’s onedrive URL is " https://new-my.sharepoint.com/personal/admin_y_com " . Are you talking about the powershell script? I tried it, but it didn’t work. The script I used is as follows: If a user in your organization needs more OneDrive storage than the default 5 TB, the Microsoft 365 administrator in your organization can check if the user is eligible for an increased storage limit. The user must already have filled 90% of the 5 TB storage. Dear Microsoft support team,my name is shirley,I am the administrator of this Microsoft 365 E3. A user in my organization needs more OneDrive storage than the default 5 TB, the user is eligible for an increased storage limit and already have filled 90% of the 5 TB storage. His username is "[email protected]" and onedrive URL is "https://new-my.sharepoint.com/personal/admin_blog_com".By follow the steps on the tutorial website "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/troubleshoot/storage/check-storage-increase-eligibility".I find his onedrive is not configured to increase a user’s OneDrive quota beyond 5TB.So I would like to increase the storage quota of my site beyond 5TB.Please help me,thank you! |
没事少折腾,5T稳稳的! |
都一个鸟样,说封就封,免费的就是最贵的! |
你是不是用超了sp空间? |
没有,估计起码有1年没动了,而且我从不用SP,甚至不知道是啥,只用过onedrive桌面客户端 |
不是,两种情况 |
反正第五个年头了 5月又续订了 |