
你不再有资格获得 Microsoft 订阅的学术定价You’re no longer el...


你不再有资格获得 Microsoft 订阅的学术定价
由于 wwwwww 不再是 Microsoft 合格学术机构,因此您不再有资格享受学术价格。因此,您当前的学术订阅将在订阅期结束时到期,您将无法以学术价格续订它们。

要继续使用您的产品,请在 Microsoft 365 管理门户中以正常价格购买新订阅。

立即购买 >


产品        许可证总数        开始日期        截止日期
面向教师的 Office 365 A1        5000        2020 年 5 月 26 日        2021 年 1 月 29 日
面向学生的 Office 365 A1        5000        2020 年 5 月 26 日        2020 年 5 月 30 日

域名: wwwwwwi.dovedaleprimaryschool.org.uk

You’re no longer eligible for academic pricing on Microsoft subscriptions
Because wwwww is no longer a Microsoft Qualified Academic Institution, you’re no longer eligible for academic prices. As a result, your current academic subscriptions will expire at the end of the subscription period and you won’t be able to renew them at academic prices.

To continue using your products, buy new subscriptions at regular pricing in the Microsoft 365 admin portal.

Buy now >
Before your subscription ends, be sure to save any data associated with the services you used.

If you have questions about your academic eligibility, please contact us.

Your current academic subscriptions:
Product        Total licenses        Start date        Expiration date
Office 365 A1 for faculty        5000        May 26, 2020        January 29, 2021
Office 365 A1 for students        5000        May 26, 2020        May 30, 2020

你不再有资格获得 Microsoft 订阅的学术定价You’re no longer el...

所以说让你们买Teams Exploratory Trial,那个要比A1稳多了
版权声明:本贴采用知识共享 署名4.0国际许可协议 [BY-NC-SA] 进行授权
帖子名称:《你不再有资格获得 Microsoft 订阅的学术定价You’re no longer el...》
