
[HostHatch] Chicago Storage VMs maintenance

The following time window has been scheduled.

Thursday, 14th July 2022
Window start: 3:00 AM Central time
Window end: 05:00 AM Central time
Total expected downtime: <15 minutes

Your server will be shut down and booted up after the maintenance has been completed. We do not expect any data on your server to change, but as a best practice, we always recommend that you keep the latest copy of your backups.

During this maintenance, we will make updates to the host server, and also boot it into our new cloud platform – cloud.hosthatch.com, from where you will be able to manage your server after it comes back online

Please note if you currently use IPv6, you will have to configure the ::1 address of your /64 IPv6 subnet, for IPv6 connectivity to work. You can configure this before the reboot as well.

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帖子名称:《[HostHatch] Chicago Storage VMs maintenance》
