买了3C4G 2T 96刀两年那个
从来没发过工单 也没催过 也没用过vir机子 不知道车门焊死没有 还能不能下车 |
车门焊死了 发工单删机不退款 |
如果没开机,就去发工单,态度粗暴一点,说不定老板就退了 PS: 真是勇士啊,vir家的小鸡超过20刀都不带看的 |
发工单就能退了。。。 我前几天发了,处理了大概四天吧。昨天收到支付宝提示退款了… |
你说儿豁 |
I no longer want to wait. Can I cancel for a refund? Yes. Just create a ticket with the word “Refund” in the subject and it will be processed ASAP. 内容开源: https://virmach.com/ryzen-special-offer-news-updates/ |
怎么委婉点 发呢 |
Refund me please Please Refund me Invoice #1404*** The delivery time is too long, I’ve already started using other merchant. Thank you very much! |