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VirMach东京 所有服务器均有故障

本帖最后由 欧阳逍遥 于 2022-3-29 19:03 编辑

VirMach 会员、供应商、顶级供应商
下午 6 点 35 分 标记感谢

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目前在那里的两台服务器,加上明天或周三到达的 6 台服务器都会有同样的问题。目前,我更有信心这与主板的 PCIe 与 PCIe 设备通信功率级别的设置有关,并且它在 Linux 上无**常运行。

这些是 PCIe 4 设备的一些修改功能。我确实相信内核已被修补以确保为 Gen3 修复此问题,但可能不是 Gen4?

我已经应用了改善这种情况的修复程序。现在我正在寻找更多的内核参数来尝试手动修补它。我还联系了两家 NVMe SSD 制造商和主板制造商,我将做一些测试,看看最好的行动方案是什么(例如,如果 Gen3 在主板上工作,在我们的办公室,那么可以发送Gen3,NVMe可以由DC手代替。)

VirMach Member, Provider, Top Provider
6:35PM FlagThanks
@tooyoung said:

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So both TYOC039 and TYOC040 have the same problem?
Need to wait for the gen3 server is more likely?

Both servers currently there, plus the 6 servers arriving tomorrow or Wednesday will have the same issue. At this time, I’m more confident that it’s related to the motherboard’s settings for communicating power levels for PCIe with the PCIe devices, and it not functioning properly on Linux.

These are some modified functions for PCIe 4 devices. I do believe the kernel was patched to ensure this was fixed for Gen3, but maybe not Gen4?

I’ve already applied a fix that has improved the situation. Now I’m looking for further kernel parameters to try to patch it manually for now. I’ve also contacted two of the NVMe SSD manufacturers, and the motherboard manufacturer, and I’m going to be doing some testing to see what the best course of action could be (for example, if Gen3 works on the motherboard, tested in our office, then Gen3 can be sent and NVMe can be replaced by DC hands.)

winday 发表于 2022-3-29 19:13

确实啊 都说VIR超兽技术NB 细想一下 也许是以前网络太垃圾 大家都吃灰而已。。。

传下去 VIR要跑路
too young too simply