我刚开机还没得玩重装就失连了。不敢发工单 现在救援模式也连不上 |
怪不得 |
我的还没开机… |
一样,早上重装到现在还offline |
要不楼主发 work order 试试? 我等你好消息 |
TYOC040吗?老板正在修 |
还没开机 |
TYOC040 is going into emergency maintenance. I’ll provide an explanation of what’s going on shortly. 老板这样说的 |
我刚开机还没得玩重装就失连了。不敢发工单 现在救援模式也连不上 |
怪不得 |
我的还没开机… |
一样,早上重装到现在还offline |
要不楼主发 work order 试试? 我等你好消息 |
TYOC040吗?老板正在修 |
还没开机 |
TYOC040 is going into emergency maintenance. I’ll provide an explanation of what’s going on shortly. 老板这样说的 |