

You are receiving this email, because you currently have one or more active services in our Los Angeles location.

As part of our continuous efforts to make our services better every day, and fulfilling our commitment to our customers to offer the most reliable, affordable and performant servers, we will be performing an IPv4 renumbering on one of our subnets in Los Angeles.

We’ve already assigned a new IPv4 to your server and set it as main and we will remove the previous IPv4 on 4th April 2022. If you have any hard-coded configurations, that are bound to the old IPv4, please ensure to change them in a timely manner, before the deadline, to ensure your services are working as expected.



作为我们不断努力使我们的服务每天都更好的一部分,并履行我们对客户的承诺,提供最可靠、负担得起和高性能的服务器,我们将在洛杉矶的一个子网上执行 ipv4重编号。

我们已经为你的服务器分配了一个新的 IPv4,并将其设置为 main,我们将在2022年4月4日移除之前的 IPv4。如果您有任何硬编码配置,绑定到旧的 IPv4,请确保及时更改它们,在最后期限之前,以确保您的服务正常工作。