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Over the last couple of days multiple news sources have been reporting that Russia intends to start disconnecting itself from the global Internet, starting on Friday 11th March. On the other side of the new "digital wall" around Russia TikTok and Netflix are suspending Russian services, FB and 推特 are blocked (at least partially) and major corporations like Apple, Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, Samsung and video games like Minecraft are reducing service or withdrawing completely from Russia. The web hosting industry will undoubtedly be affected by the cuts in trade and traffic, even more so now that bandwidth/network providers such as Cogent announce that they are cutting off service to Russia, the potential for hosting software and control panels being affected by sanctions, and regular payment methods like PayPal, Mastercard and Visa stop serving Russia. As a hosting provider or client how are you affected by the changing shape of the Internet map?


美爹打 伊拉克 叙利亚 越南  怎么全世界没人出来制裁。

cooioobb 发表于 2022-3-10 11:55
美爹打 伊拉克 叙利亚 越南  怎么全世界没人出来制裁。

