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[经验] 乌龟壳发这个邮件是不是赶下车?

Thank you for using Oracle Cloud Services. Your (Cloud Account: sallyxx520) terminated on . However, it would be a pleasure to serve you in the near future. We can be reached at www.oracle.com/cloud.

Your Oracle Cloud Free Trial promotion has ended.
You will continue to have access to your Oracle Cloud account and our Always Free resources, but your other Oracle Cloud resources will soon be reclaimed unless you upgrade to a paid account.

Oracle Cloud offers Pay As You Go billing, which comes with no minimum term and no prepayments.


The Oracle Cloud services listed below that you were using as a part of your free trial have been disabled.
You can retrieve your data and cloud account content until Thursday, March 03, 2022. For instructions, visit Information Center for Administrators on My Oracle Support and scroll to the bottom of the page to view "Additional Termination Instructions for your Cloud Service".

You can continue to use OCI Always Free services as long as your account remains active. However, we will not be able to provide customer support and other benefits of paid services unless you upgrade your Oracle Cloud account.

Sign in to your Oracle Cloud account to upgrade
