
[疑问] RAID FORUMS如何注册?

关闭了注册 或者出现了bug 我之前注册都登陆不上去了

燕十三丶 发表于 2022-2-26 19:54
关闭了注册 或者出现了bug 我之前注册都登陆不上去了


我之前密码忘记了 这个刚注册的  可能是被攻击  回档了  

燕十三丶 发表于 2022-2-26 19:55
我之前密码忘记了 这个刚注册的  可能是被攻击  回档了

Please correct the following errors before continuing:
You have entered an invalid username/password combination.

If you have forgotten your password please retrieve a new one.


The raidforums.com domain has been seized. I encourage anybody that attempted logging in to change your passwords and clear any logs you have. The new domain will be https://rf.to for anybody interested in staying.

我是坏虫 发表于 2022-2-26 19:57
Please correct the following errors before continuing:
You have entered an invalid username/passwo …

一样的提示 找回密码页面就是摆设

燕十三丶 发表于 2022-2-26 20:00
一样的提示 找回密码页面就是摆设

The raidforums.com domain has been seized. I encourage anybody that attempted logging in to change your passwords and clear any logs you have. The new domain will be https://rf.to for anybody interested in staying.


我是坏虫 发表于 2022-2-26 20:01
The raidforums.com domain has been seized. I encourage anybody that attempted logging in to change …

rf.to 也挂了