If you have more Ampere A1 Compute instances provisioned than are available for an Always Free tenancy, all existing Ampere A1 Compute instances are disabled and then deleted after 30 days, unless you upgrade to a paid account. To continue using your existing Arm-based instances as an Always Free user, before your trial ends, ensure that you have no more than 4 OCPUs and 24 GB of memory in total across all the Ampere A1 Compute instances in your tenancy. 文档中写了 https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/FreeTier/freetier.htm arm机器超过免费额度,现有所有的arm都会被删除。要想不被删除,确保在试用期结束之前,账户内arm机器不超过4c24g。 具体的免费额度是多少自行测试 |
有可能不删呢,看运气吧 |
一直都是这样 |
4C24G就是免费额度呀,这个也删除? |
每次乌龟壳到手,直接开脚本刷4*24。至今从未被删除过。 有7个号7个4+24 |
老铁,甲骨文的忠实粉丝告诉你,甲骨文没有规则 |
免费版 ARM 没有重装功能,没有快照。 只能拿来当科学冲浪工具 |
Your Free Oracle Cloud Promotion has expired. You will continue to have access to your Oracle Cloud account and our Always Free resources, but your other resources will soon be reclaimed unless you Upgrade to a paid account. Oracle Cloud offers Pay As You Go billing, which comes with no minimum term and no prepayments. |
意思是试用期内也随便玩 没事? |
都是玄学, 认准200硬盘 最多开4个鸡完事 后台少上去。 |