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MD 死爸达真的改线路了


一脸懵 先学会看路由再说
本帖最后由 吐槽 于 2021-12-18 16:36 编辑
  1. Traceroute to China, Beijing CU (TCP Mode, Max 30 Hop)
  2. ============================================================
  3. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
  4. 1  0.62 ms  *  LAN Address
  5. 2  0.25 ms  AS201106  United States, Washington, Seattle, spartanhost.org
  6. 3  5.00 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  7. 4  *
  8. 5  29.61 ms  AS3257  United States, gtt.net
  9. 6  30.17 ms  AS3257  United States, California, San Jose, gtt.net
  10. 7  155.72 ms  AS4837  United States, California, San Jose, ChinaUnicom
  11. 8  154.00 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  12. 9  154.09 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  13. 10  148.48 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  14. 11  192.94 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
  15. 12  *
  16. 13  188.70 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
  17. 14  197.70 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
  18. 15  203.94 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
  19. 16  *
  20. 17  182.90 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
  21. Traceroute to China, Beijing CT (TCP Mode, Max 30 Hop)
  22. ============================================================
  23. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
  24. 1  53.89 ms  *  LAN Address
  25. 2  3.78 ms  AS201106  United States, Washington, Seattle, spartanhost.org
  26. 3  5.01 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  27. 4  *
  28. 5  29.35 ms  AS3257  United States, gtt.net
  29. 6  30.67 ms  AS3257  United States, California, San Jose, gtt.net
  30. 7  30.30 ms  AS4134  United States, California, San Jose, ChinaTelecom
  31. 8  169.52 ms  AS4134  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
  32. 9  169.07 ms  AS4134  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
  33. 10  170.81 ms  AS4134  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
  34. 11  182.60 ms  AS23724  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
  35. 12  *
  36. 13  186.30 ms  AS23724  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
  37. Traceroute to China, Beijing CM (TCP Mode, Max 30 Hop)
  38. ============================================================
  39. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
  40. 1  15.68 ms  *  LAN Address
  41. 2  0.23 ms  AS201106  United States, Washington, Seattle, spartanhost.org
  42. 3  5.01 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  43. 4  5.27 ms  AS6461  United States, Washington, Seattle, zayo.com
  44. 5  8.70 ms  AS6461  United States, Washington, Seattle, zayo.com
  45. 6  5.26 ms  AS6461  United States, Washington, Seattle, zayo.com
  46. 7  21.11 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  47. 8  19.98 ms  AS58453  United States, Washington, Seattle, ChinaMobile
  48. 9  *
  49. 10  *
  50. 11  *
  51. 12  *
  52. 13  201.35 ms  AS9808  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
  53. 14  206.01 ms  AS9808  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
  54. 15  *
  55. 16  *
  56. 17  202.96 ms  AS56048  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
  57. 18  208.18 ms  AS56048  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
  58. 19  *
  59. 20  204.33 ms  AS56048  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
  60. Traceroute to China, Shanghai CU (TCP Mode, Max 30 Hop)
  61. ============================================================
  62. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
  63. 1  12.12 ms  *  LAN Address
  64. 2  0.26 ms  AS201106  United States, Washington, Seattle, spartanhost.org
  65. 3  5.01 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  66. 4  *
  67. 5  29.80 ms  AS3257  United States, gtt.net
  68. 6  30.27 ms  AS3257  United States, California, San Jose, gtt.net
  69. 7  172.32 ms  AS3257  United States, California, San Jose, gtt.net
  70. 8  151.53 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  71. 9  161.10 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  72. 10  *
  73. 11  *
  74. 12  152.87 ms  AS17621  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  75. 13  148.77 ms  AS17621  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  76. 14  160.11 ms  AS17621  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  77. 15  *
  78. 16  *
  79. 17  *
  80. 18  *
  81. 19  *
  82. 20  *
  83. 21  *
  84. 22  *
  85. 23  *
  86. 24  *
  87. 25  *
  88. 26  *
  89. 27  *
  90. 28  *
  91. 29  *
  92. 30  *
  93. Traceroute to China, Shanghai CT (TCP Mode, Max 30 Hop)
  94. ============================================================
  95. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
  96. 1  12.57 ms  *  LAN Address
  97. 2  0.24 ms  AS201106  United States, Washington, Seattle, spartanhost.org
  98. 3  5.00 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  99. 4  *
  100. 5  29.42 ms  AS3257  United States, gtt.net
  101. 6  30.54 ms  AS3257  United States, California, San Jose, gtt.net
  102. 7  30.10 ms  AS4134  United States, California, San Jose, ChinaTelecom
  103. 8  *
  104. 9  *
  105. 10  *
  106. 11  158.25 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
  107. 12  *
  108. 13  154.71 ms  AS4811  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
  109. 14  163.24 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
  110. 15  157.45 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
  111. Traceroute to China, Shanghai CM (TCP Mode, Max 30 Hop)
  112. ============================================================
  113. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
  114. 1  3.98 ms  *  LAN Address
  115. 2  0.34 ms  AS201106  United States, Washington, Seattle, spartanhost.org
  116. 3  5.03 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  117. 4  6.78 ms  AS174  United States, Washington, Seattle, cogentco.com
  118. 5  20.60 ms  AS174  cogentco.com
  119. 6  21.52 ms  AS174  United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
  120. 7  21.56 ms  AS174  United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
  121. 8  21.98 ms  AS58453  United States, California, San Jose, ChinaMobile
  122. 9  *
  123. 10  *
  124. 11  255.22 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
  125. Traceroute to China, Guangzhou CU (TCP Mode, Max 30 Hop)
  126. ============================================================
  127. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
  128. 1  1.48 ms  *  LAN Address
  129. 2  0.24 ms  AS201106  United States, Washington, Seattle, spartanhost.org
  130. 3  4.96 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  131. 4  *
  132. 5  29.54 ms  AS3257  United States, gtt.net
  133. 6  31.49 ms  AS3257  United States, California, San Jose, gtt.net
  134. 7  171.68 ms  AS4837  United States, California, San Jose, ChinaUnicom
  135. 8  151.95 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  136. 9  155.36 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  137. 10  145.81 ms  AS4837  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
  138. 11  169.76 ms  AS4837  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
  139. 12  178.86 ms  AS17816  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
  140. 13  177.07 ms  AS17622  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
  141. 14  *
  142. 15  *
  143. 16  *
  144. 17  *
  145. 18  *
  146. 19  *
  147. 20  *
  148. 21  *
  149. 22  *
  150. 23  *
  151. 24  *
  152. 25  *
  153. 26  *
  154. 27  *
  155. 28  *
  156. 29  *
  157. 30  *
  158. Traceroute to China, Guangzhou CT (TCP Mode, Max 30 Hop)
  159. ============================================================
  160. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
  161. 1  4.93 ms  *  LAN Address
  162. 2  0.23 ms  AS201106  United States, Washington, Seattle, spartanhost.org
  163. 3  4.94 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  164. 4  *
  165. 5  30.28 ms  AS3257  United States, gtt.net
  166. 6  29.89 ms  AS3257  United States, California, San Jose, gtt.net
  167. 7  31.90 ms  AS4134  United States, California, San Jose, ChinaTelecom
  168. 8  *
  169. 9  168.16 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
  170. 10  182.80 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
  171. 11  163.07 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
  172. Traceroute to China, Guangzhou CM (TCP Mode, Max 30 Hop)
  173. ============================================================
  174. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
  175. 1  22.65 ms  *  LAN Address
  176. 2  0.25 ms  AS201106  United States, Washington, Seattle, spartanhost.org
  177. 3  4.99 ms  *  United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
  178. 4  5.29 ms  AS174  United States, Washington, Seattle, cogentco.com
  179. 5  20.40 ms  AS174  United States, California, San Francisco, cogentco.com
  180. 6  21.65 ms  AS174  cogentco.com
  181. 7  33.52 ms  AS174  United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
  182. 8  33.48 ms  AS174  United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
  183. 9  33.56 ms  AS174  United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
  184. 10  36.41 ms  AS58453  United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaMobile
  185. 11  *
  186. 12  182.20 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
  187. 13  194.52 ms  http: 403  http: 403
  188. 14  204.79 ms  http: 403  http: 403
  189. 15  189.73 ms  http: 403  http: 403
  190. 16  192.62 ms  http: 403  http: 403
  191. 17  191.56 ms  http: 403  http: 403
  192. 18  189.81 ms  http: 403  http: 403
  193. 19  186.92 ms  http: 403  http: 403


