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[翻译] [LET热议]如何成为一名MJJ


How to become MJJ?

同时我注意到 MJJ 总是用的二次元头像
I also noticed than MJJ always have anime avatars

not born, but cultivated I believe.

Creating topics like this is one indication you’re on the right path.

Just need one second: cut your penis

你可以像我一样,想成为 MJJ 的时候就成为 MJJ
You can just do what I do and self-identify as an MJJ when it suits me

如果你不是完全向往 MJJ 的生活,我建议你把鸡鸡(注:lower horn 梗出自 Futurama?)塞进两腿之间,然后用胶带把它固定住。
If you’re not 100% committed to the MJJ life, I suggest just tucking your lower horn between your legs, and using a bit of duct tape to keep it in place.

你现在已经是 MJJ 了。
you’re MJJ now. @RedSox

MJJ 到底是谁/啥?
Who or what is MJJ anyway..?

你当前 MJJ 浓度还不够,所以不知道。(回答楼上)
You’re not MJJ enough to know that yet.

Buy a bunch of vps that you don’t need

不是你选择成为 MJJ,而是 MJJ 选择你。
you don’t choose MJJ life; MJJ life chooses you.

很简单,注册一个 loc 账号,你就正式成为了一名 MJJ。
不过正因为你是 MJJ,所以你会知道如何从另一个 MJJ 手里购买邀请。
这就是我的 MJJ 之路。
It’s easy, sign up on hostloc.com, then you are officially a MJJ.
Oh, no. you need an invitation to sign up.
But since you are a MJJ, you will figure out how to buy an invitation from another Mjj.
That ‘s my road to MJJ.

为了成为 MJJ,你必须达成以下目标:
– 割掉你的鸡鸡
– 学习中文
– 有个活跃的 loc 账号
– 抱怨到大陆的网络不好,即使你住在加州
– 偷偷的鄙视西方人
– 即使你会英语,但最好写中文,然后使用谷歌翻译,使用 chinglish
– 遇事不决先退款
– 命令要求,而不是请求帮助
In order to become mjj you must obtain following goals:
– Remove your own penis;
– learn chinese;
– have active account at hostloc;
– wine about bad connection to mainland china, even if you are in california;
– silently despite westerners;
– even if you know english language,write in chinese, than use google translate. Adopt chinglish;
– chargeback and only then contact for support;
– demand, not ask for favour;

In order to become an MJJ, chop off your pencil with a knife.


孫笑川 发表于 2021-12-13 16:41

哈哈哈  牛

首先,要学会提交work order


爱情 发表于 2021-12-13 16:44
首先,要学会提交work order

which onion are you!

本帖最后由 sliver 于 2021-12-13 17:18 编辑

最有名的MJJ,东方不败,苦练《C宝典》多年,因为没有对象改练《C艹艹宝典》,MJJ无官无财,卦象戊癸化火,于是加入“癸化” 隐为《葵花宝典》,此人宅在深闺,擅长以针会友

ch5v5f 发表于 2021-12-13 17:08

