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hz说我滥用 兄弟们怎么编理由

下bt要把所有内网/保留段,全部屏蔽掉,udp tcp都要。一旦peer列表有内网IP,尝试去连就会触发hz风控,垃圾hz
就说被黑了 已经重装系统 不会再犯
我也是  我收到aws 几封邮件了,实在是找不出问题

懂小姐 发表于 2021-11-19 23:00

你说不看就不看? 总要有实际行动吧,比如葵花宝典。

@lewissue @Marlene @告辞
I’m afraid we can’t unblock your server until the problem is solved. You may use a KVM console or the white list option to gain access to your server. For more details please refer to:


To resolve the issue a KVM Console can be requested, allowing full access to the server. If you want to order a KVM Console, please open a special support request from the Robot asking for that directly. Login to Robot. Then click on the user icon in the upper right hand corner and then on "Support". Then select "LARA Remote Console". You can then select an appointment for when you want it, and for how long you want it.

Another option is to enter your home/office IP address (as long as it is static) via the Robot and you will be able to access the server via that IP. This is possible via the Robot by going to "Servers" and then clicking on "Server locking". There you can enter your IP.

我艹  这怎么解  求助

Uscnc 发表于 2021-11-19 23:27
@lewissue @Marlene @告辞
I’m afraid we can’t unblock your server until the problem is solved. You m …

