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[经验] 请大佬帮看下这几个问题怎么解决

  1. 启动服务(2021/11/6 2:01:31)……
  2. http://speedtest-sfo2.digitalocean.com/10mb.test
  3. V2Ray 4.20.0 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom
  4. A unified platform for anti-**ship.
  5. main: failed to create server > “v-2-r-a-y”.com/core/proxy/vmess/outbound: failed to parse server spec > “v-2-r-a-y”.com/core/proxy/vmess: failed to parse ID > encoding/hex: invalid byte: U+0073 ‘s’
  6. 远程服务器返回错误: (500) 内部服务器错误。



下面还有个问题,春川的amd两台,一台ubuntu装个宝塔面板里面的nginx就能失联,另一台dd debian也是宝塔里面装nginx一直报错:

  1. + ngx_http_dav_ext_module was configured
  2. checking for zlib library … found
  3. checking for libxslt … not found
  4. checking for libxslt in /usr/local/ … not found
  5. checking for libxslt in /usr/pkg/ … not found
  6. checking for libxslt in /opt/local/ … not found
  7. ./configure: error: the HTTP XSLT module requires the libxml2/libxslt
  8. libraries. You can either do not enable the module or install the libraries.
  9. make: *** No rule to make target ‘build’, needed by ‘default’.  Stop.
  10. make: *** No rule to make target ‘install’.  Stop.
  11. ========================================================
  12. nginx.sh: line 284: GetSysInfo: command not found
  13. ERROR: nginx-1.14.2 installation failed.

