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[美国VPS] 出大事了,ULTRAVPS.EU的洛杉矶机房要跑路了

本帖最后由 spanfkyous 于 2024-10-26 19:24 编辑

Unfortunately, as you’ve probably noticed, the quality of service at the Los Angeles data center hasn’t been very good lately. In addition, there are very high price increases by the operator. We have therefore decided to end our involvement at this location.

We will therefore terminate the following service:
SSD-Special-1 69.12.89.XXX to 11/30/2024 (last deployment day).

We will automatically refund the remaining amount paid in advance for the period beyond the cancellation date in the next few days.


因此,我们将终止以下服务: SSD-Special-1 69.12.89.XXX,直到2024年11月30日(最后部署日)。


还有啥靠谱的vps推荐吗, 我也有同款VPS,已经续费好多年了,没想到停止服务了,哎
这不是跑路 起码退费。。