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友情提醒clouDNS付费用户(已知2018-2020 Plan S套餐)涨价前续费

本帖最后由 imfan 于 2024-6-26 16:36 编辑

目前已知的Premium S (2018)和Premium S (2020)套餐都会在7月1号从1.95刀涨价到3.45刀/月

官方的邮件说可以在新价格生效前以原价格续费 还准备继续使用的mjj记得在涨价前续费哦


We are writing to inform you that the price of Premium S (2018) DNS plan is increasing from $1.95 to $3.45/month. The revised price will become effective from July 1, 2024.
However, we value our customers, and we want to give you the following opportunity: Before July 1, 2024 from your subscription page, you can extend your plan at the old price.




还好我用的 Route53

Microcharon 发表于 2024-6-26 16:12
还好我用的 Route53


Premium S 是能添加几个域名呀?
Amazon Route 53 HostedZone
$0.50 per Hosted Zone for the first 25 Hosted Zones

Amazon Route 53 DNS-Queries
$0.40 per 1,000,000 queries for the first 1 Billion queries

Amazon Route 53 Geo-Queries
$0.70 per 1,000,000 Geo queries for the first 1 Billion Geo queries

Amazon Route 53 Intra-AWS-DNS-Queries
Queries to Alias records are free of charge

用的少就约计 1$ 不到每个域名每月,之前遭受 NXDOMAIN 攻击刷 query 导致每月实际用量巨增,后来用了 alias record 就明显回归正常

还好我自建 gdnsd

Fix 发表于 2024-6-26 16:28
还好我自建 gdnsd

自建大佬 膜了(
