在瓦工官方群里,当时没能成功迁移的用户正在质问瓦工官方。 官方回应称,一部分用户在几个小时内迁移到了新加坡的CN2 GIA机房,这只是当时的一个bug导致,成本完全不对等,并不是针对特定套餐开放迁移权限。因此,迁移权限只开放了几个小时后就关闭了。 根据群里双方的对峙情况来看,大概率大部分活动套餐后续是不会开放新加坡机房的迁移的。估计官方只会推出新的、特定针对新加坡机房的活动套餐。所以,“The Plan”系列,包括其他系列的套餐,大概率以后基本不会开放新加坡机房的迁移。 安装官方的态度估计承认了bug的存在,并且不打算采取其他措施(所以一部分没上车的mjj在对峙官方) 不过目前活动套餐ThePlan还是最有性价比的,有需要的可以考虑上车 CPU:2核 内存:2GB 限时活动套餐,可能随时无,有需要的可以囤一个,限量的活动套餐后续不想用的话,相对其他常规套餐还是很容易出手 |
就是已经迁移成功的官方不管,但是the和46现存量用户也不会给你机会迁移了 |
关于新上的SJC的CN2 GIA机房,官方表示机房由于容量有限还在扩建中,后续是会出现在The Plan的迁移列表里面的 |
以下是官方的一些回应,可以自行翻译,大概意思就是迁移是漏洞BUG,但是我们不会针对已经迁移的用户采取任何措施(已迁移的就当我们SG的测试了),SG的成本较高并且也没有足够的容量,目前不会再考虑开放SG的迁移并且我们也没有必要往SG运去设备和签约带宽(可能理解有偏差,大家自行翻译) “We allowed everyone who managed to migrate to SG to remain in SG. We have no room in SG, it is in ‘test mode’, it is not meant to host any customers at the moment.” “There is literally no room in SG. it is technically impossible to do this. There is no where to migrate to.” “Before this can happen, please see my point above. We have no room. We would have to ship lots and lot of servers to SG, and sign up with CT and pay them a lot of money. Why would we do that?” “There is no room in SG” “Some people will always be uncomfortable or upset about something. The only way to not upset anyone is to not do anything. Looking back at our 21-year experience in web hosting, the best solution is to fully own our mistake, correct it as quickly as possible, and apologize if it affected some people. Doing anything to please everyone will just create more drama and more and more endless demands.” |
那意思是sg的瓦工能传家了 |
之前也有过迁移香港的Bug鸡 |
ns有人溢价1000收,不知道是不是在炒作。 |