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Cloud Five Limited:
  1. We are writing to inform you about changes in pricing for your KVM based Linux / Windows VPS service.
  2. Surging inflation and energy costs are something that affects all of us. We are seeing a drastic cost increase in our European Location. Sky rocketing power costs and increase in cost of dedicated IPs are a major factor.
  3. This is why today we are announcing a price increase of roughly 15% on average for all subscriptions based on KVM Virtualization.
  4. For your existing subscriptions, the new price will apply from next billing contract renewal.
  5. We look forward to continuing our business relationship and growing together.
  6. Best regards,
  7. Cloud Five Limited


这货用的是 OVH 的IP,肯定得涨价啊
cloudv就是hz+ovh 你说他顶得住吗?