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[疑问] virmach 机房数据都没保障了?

本帖最后由 u104b230 于 2022-9-30 09:25 编辑

誰說沒有 我的還在cc機房 掛掉一陣子 老闆今天才處理發信

Dear VirMach Customers,

If you are receiving this email it means that you may have had a service that faced catastrophic failure or rare migration issue and may have been unavailable for multiple weeks to months. We have unfortunately not been able to address these as soon as we originally would have liked, as manually recreating these services is an extremely time consuming task, but in the next few days, your service should return. We will be completing these in three batches.

Everyone will receive either account credits or service due date extensions equivalent to or greater than the original downtime. You will also receive additional complimentary credits or further service extension as well as being created on brand new nodes which are far more powerful than the last.

Batch 1:

We will first recreate all "active" services, without data or operating system. You will need to install an operating system. Your IP address will change.

Batch 2:

We will then recreate all "active" services that have existing backups. The backups will be loaded in.

Batch 3:

We may attempt to re-create your service if it was previously terminated or cancelled. A cancellation request will automatically be placed to avoid you from being billed, but if you desire to continue service after the free period, you may remove the cancellation request before the service end date.

Thank you,

The VirMach Team

Virmach 数据保障? 你不是在开玩吧。  你看我签名。

何止数据没保障, 机器说坏就坏, 发工单直接关闭, 离线快两个月了。



生如风絮 发表于 2022-9-30 09:17

