本帖最后由 xuanlove 于 2022-9-26 23:10 编辑
莫名其妙,说我钓鱼网站。给封了。 工单申诉中 |
Posted by System on 09/26/2022 (07:52)Operator Your ticket has been flagged directly to the technical support department so it may sometimes take longer than usual to receive a response than a general question. We thank thank you for your patience. To speed up the process, please provide any login credentials or additional information that may be required to troubleshoot your issue. Please do not create another ticket or a chat regarding the same issue. |
那么你有没有做站?做的什么站? |
都是纯静态的,还有谷歌字体镜像(自己的域名) |
苦主一大堆 t.me/virmjj |
这要是良心云 就要开始骂制度了 |
胖子还懂钓鱼? |
vir杀红了眼了 |
VIR战略合作伙伴 google投诉你了 |