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As you may be already aware, the server that you have at least one VPS on, SEAKVM9, has been suffering multiple reboots since 22nd August.

We suspect the cause of this is hardware related based on the diagnostics we’ve done so far.

We will be performing an emergency RAM replacement of this server between 9 – 10pm UTC today (25th August 2022) in order to see if this stops the reboots occurring and returns the server to full stability. We expect the downtime to last up to 30 minutes maximum.

If stability cannot be achieved with the RAM replacement, we will migrate your VPS to a new server within a few days, a followup email will be sent about this if it’s necessary.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

您可能已经知道,自 8 月 22 日以来,您至少拥有一个 VPS 的服务器 SEAKVM9 已经经历了多次重新启动。


我们将在世界标准时间今天(2022 年 8 月 25 日)晚上 9 点到 10 点之间对该服务器执行紧急 RAM 更换,以查看这是否会阻止重新启动并让服务器恢复完全稳定。 我们预计停机时间最长可达 30 分钟。

如果更换 RAM 无法实现稳定性,我们将在几天内将您的 VPS 迁移到新服务器,如有必要,将发送一封跟进电子邮件。



