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alexhost 1C1G10G 无限流量 100M带宽 年费11.88欧元 抗dmca投诉 2023-07-18到期 无限流量+抗投诉 2023-07-18到期 50出
https://hostloc.com/forum.php?mo … ;highlight=alexhost

tdd 发表于 2022-7-18 11:17
alexhost 1C1G10G 无限流量 100M带宽 年费11.88欧元 抗dmca投诉 2023-07-18到期 无限流量+抗投诉 2023-07-1 …



FeiLai 发表于 2022-7-18 11:23


misakano 发表于 2022-7-18 11:22
基本考虑,荷兰,罗马尼亚,巴拿马,摩洛哥,卢森堡,应该就这些地区有可能抗,具体还是得看AUP和问客服 …


The Customer will refrain from storage and/or dissemination of data (or others on his/her/its behalf) contrary to provisions of Dutch law, including but not limited to data which:
are defamatory, libellous, offensive, racist, discriminatory or inflammatory,
erotic or **ographic, unless explicitly allowed in the quotation or in any further communication of LiteServer B.V.,
infringe upon the rights of third parties, in any event including but not limited to copyrights, trademark rights and portrait rights,
constitute a violation of the privacy of third parties, in any event including but not limited to the distribution of third parties’ personal data without consent or necessity or repeated harassment of third parties with regard to unsolicited communications,
hyperlinks, torrents or similar information of which the Customer is aware or should be aware that it refers to material that infringes the rights of third parties,
contain commercial, charitable or conceptual communication in a manner that is contrary to the Dutch Telecommunications Act [Telecommunicatiewet] or other relevant Dutch legislation,
malicious content such as viruses or spyware.

If LiteServer B.V. reasonably suspects that the Customer is in violation of one of the aforementioned bans, LiteServer B.V. will be entitled to take all measures it deems necessary within reason to end this violation. LiteServer B.V. will inform the Customer of any measures. LiteServer B.V. is never held liable for damages in connection with these measures.
If LiteServer B.V. receives a complaint from a third party about the Customer’s use of the Service, LiteServer B.V. will deal with this complaint according to the Notice and Takedown Procedure published on the website. The provisions in the previous paragraph apply accordingly if LiteServer B.V. considers the complaint justified. Besides, LiteServer B.V. will then be authorised to provide identifying information about the Customer to the complainant, but only if unlawful action has been sufficiently established and the complainant has a substantial interest in obtaining this information.
