站点图标 嘟嘟社区


pull the image: docker pull 0one2/qbittorrent-bot
docker run -d -v /root/config.toml:/app/config.toml 0one2/qbittorrent-bot
  1. [telegram]
  2. token = "tg机器人token"
  3. admins = [@userinfobot填入你的tg-id]
  4. workers = 1 # number of python-telegram-bot workers. One worker is more than enough
  5. timeout = 120 # requests timeout in seconds
  6. errors_log_chat = 0 # chat where to post exceptions. If disabled (0), the first user id in ‘admins’ will be used
  7. [proxy]
  8. url = ""        # socks5(h)://ip:port or http://user:[email protected]:port/
  9. username = ""   # Socks only, Use url embeded user/pass for http(s)
  10. password = ""   # Socks only
  11. [notifications]
  12. completed_torrents = 0 # id of a chat to notify when a torrent is completed. 0 to disable
  13. no_notification_tag = "" # if a torrent has this tag, do not send the completed download notification in the notifications chat (if set). Case insensitive. "" (empty string) to disable
  14. added_torrents = 0 # id of a chat to notify when a new torrent is added. 0 to disable
  15. [qbittorrent]
  16. url = ""
  17. # for docker user the url should not be because the container is connected to docker0 network
  18. # url = "" # docker0 network, the is host ip addr
  19. login = "登录名"
  20. secret = "密码"
  21. added_torrents_tag = "telegram bot" # a tag to add to the torrents added through the bot. "" (empty string) to disable
  22. added_torrents_category = "" # the category to set for torrents added through the bot. "" (empty string) to disable
  23. altspeed_presets = [
  24.     # alternative speed buttons (in kb/s) to show when /overview is used. Set this to [] (empty list) to show no altspeed button
  25.     # [upload, download],
  26.     [5, 10],
  27.     [5, 50],
  28.     [5, 200],
  29. ]


apt install qbittorrent-nox 不行吗?这也要docker?
不错  通过tg管理qb吗

qqlikeho 发表于 2022-7-16 12:25
不错  通过tg管理qb吗
