本帖最后由 zxxx 于 2022-6-19 14:38 编辑
Rclone web based GUI https://rclone.org/gui/ Rclone can serve a web based GUI (graphical user interface). This is somewhat experimental at the moment so things may be subject to change. rclone rcd documentation. https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_rcd/ rc documentation https://rclone.org/rc/ If rclone is run with the –rc flag then it starts an HTTP server which can be used to remote control rclone using its API. 各位rclone webui怎么弄 有没有什么web ui管理rclone的脚本? Rclone居然有GUI的界面 这都什么鸭 rclone gui 默认密码是多少?我裂开了 rclone web gui 是不是没有上传的功能