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[翻译] 关于VIR 圣何塞SJCZ002节点,客服回复了

小鸡消失好几天,昨天发work order怼客服,今天有回复,说是硬件问题,可能明天修复。


We apologize for the continued & extreme downtime on SJCZ002. This was unexpected hardware failure and as we have been extremely busy with building and shipping out new hardware as well as dealing with other issues, we could not address it as quickly as we would have liked. In the future, outages should hopefully be handled much more smoothly as we send off additional servers. Unfortunately, San Jose also depleted these replacements as three other hardware failures occured as a result of bad motherboards.

We are sending a new motherboard with new CPU and RAM to this location, via overnight delivery.

This should arrive on Tuesday afternoon and we will work on moving all disks over from SJCZ002 to this new replacement, and hopefully have your service back online by Tuesday night (May 24, 2022.)

Thank you for your continued patience and we apologize for the inconvenience. Should any further issues arise, we’ll update the network status page with more information.
