如题,用的斯巴达的vps,就装了个wordpress,却给我发邮件说我滥用 给了个链接,https://check.spamhaus.org/listed/?searchterm=服务器ip地址 问题是我连邮件SMTP都禁了,富强的程序也没有装,还报滥用,并且这个链接点进去啥提示也没有
- Technical information
- The most recent connection was on: May 23 2022, 02:30:00 UTC (+/- 5 minutes). The observed HELO value(s) were:
- 45.xx.xx.xx 2022-05-23 02:30:00 www.server.com
- 45.xx.xx.xx 2022-05-19 08:30:00 www.server.com
- Notable things about the HELOs:
- They usually do not exist in DNS – they have no A record
- They often have dynamic-appearing rDNS, and the domain(s) used can appear to be geographically far from the IP geolocation
- They can include "impossible" HELO values like "gmail.com", "hotmail.com" etc – Gmail & Hotmail do not use these
- The cause of this problem is frequently found to be coming from an phone or laptop with a "free" 扶墙 or channel unlocker app on it.