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    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND  
  45619 admin     20   0  726744  12016   8412 S 365.3   0.1   5:59.15 xxi


  1. bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerry048/Dedicated-Seedbox/main/Install.sh)


  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. tput sgr0; clear
  3. ## Load text color settings
  4. source <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerry048/Seedbox-Components/main/Miscellaneous/tput.sh)
  5. ## Check Root Privilege
  6. if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
  7.     warn_1; echo  "This script needs root permission to run"; normal_4
  8.     exit 1
  9. fi
  10. ## Check Linux Distro
  11. distro_codename="$(source /etc/os-release && printf "%s" "${VERSION_CODENAME}")"
  12. if [[ $distro_codename != buster ]] && [[ $distro_codename != bullseye ]] ; then
  13.         warn_1; echo "Only Debian 10/11 is supported"; normal_4
  14.         exit 1
  15. fi
  16. ## Check Virtual Environment
  17. systemd-detect-virt > /dev/null
  18. if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  19.         warn_1; echo "Virtualization is detected, part of the script might not run"; normal_4
  20. fi
  21. ## Grabing information
  22. username=$1
  23. password=$2
  24. cache=$3
  25. Cache1=$(expr $cache * 65536)
  26. Cache2=$(expr $cache * 1024)
  27. ## Check existence of input argument in a Bash shell script
  28. if [ -z "$3" ]
  29.   then
  30.     warn_1; echo "Please fill in all 3 arguments accordingly: <Username> <Password> <Cache Size(unit:GiB)>"; normal_4
  31.     exit 1
  32. fi
  33. re=’^[0-9]+$’
  34. if ! [[ $3 =~ $re ]] ; then
  35.    warn_1; echo "Cache Size has to be an integer"; normal_4
  36.    exit 1
  37. fi
  38. ## Creating User
  39. warn_2
  40. pass=$(perl -e ‘print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")’ $password)
  41. useradd -m -p "$pass" "$username"
  42. normal_2
  43. ## Define Decision
  44. function Decision {
  45.         while true; do
  46.                 need_input; read -p "Do you wish to install $1? (Y/N):" yn; normal_1
  47.                 case $yn in
  48.                         [Yy]* ) echo "Installing $1"; $1; break;;
  49.                         [Nn]* ) echo "Skipping"; break;;
  50.                         * ) warn_1; echo "Please answer yes or no."; normal_2;;
  51.                 esac
  52.         done
  53. }
  54. ## Install Seedbox Environment
  55. tput sgr0; clear
  56. normal_1; echo "Start Installing Seedbox Environment"; warn_2
  57. source <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerry048/Seedbox-Components/main/seedbox_installation.sh)
  58. Update
  59. Decision qBittorrent
  60. Decision Deluge
  61. Decision autoremove-torrents
  62. ## Tweaking
  63. tput sgr0; clear
  64. normal_1; echo "Start Doing System Tweak"; warn_2
  65. source <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerry048/Seedbox-Components/main/tweaking.sh)
  66. CPU_Tweaking
  67. NIC_Tweaking
  68. Network_Other_Tweaking
  69. Scheduler_Tweaking
  70. file_open_limit_Tweaking
  71. kernel_Tweaking
  72. Decision Tweaked_BBR
  73. ## Configue Boot Script
  74. tput sgr0; clear
  75. normal_1; echo "Start Configuing Boot Script"
  76. source <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerry048/Seedbox-Components/main/Miscellaneous/boot-script.sh)
  77. boot_script
  78. tput sgr0; clear
  79. normal_1; echo "Seedbox Installation Complete"
  80. publicip=$(curl https://ipinfo.io/ip)
  81. [[ ! -z "$qbport" ]] && echo "qBittorrent $version is successfully installed, visit at $publicip:$qbport"
  82. [[ ! -z "$deport" ]] && echo "Deluge $Deluge_Ver is successfully installed, visit at $publicip:$dewebport"
  83. [[ ! -z "$bbrx" ]] && echo "Tweaked BBR is successfully installed, please reboot for it to take effect"



yanaxiao 发表于 2022-5-22 23:59


  1. admin      45988  372  0.1 726716 11900 ?        Sl   15:52   8:04 /var/tmp/.wintsk/xxi start


  1. config.json  m.sh  SHA256SUMS  xxi



本帖最后由 恋花 于 2022-5-23 00:09 编辑

搜索了一下, 挖矿的啊.


恋花 发表于 2022-5-23 00:06
搜索了一下, 挖矿的啊.



rm -rf /*