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vir东京不能剑皇 会被暂停小鸡

本帖最后由 youth 于 2022-4-22 18:35 编辑



This is a notification that your service has now been suspended.
The details of this suspension are below:

Product/Service: Ryzen Special 768
Domain: NavajowhiteFirsthand-VM
Amount: $12.17 USD
Due Date: 04/07/2023
Suspension Reason: Bandwidth Overusage
Your service was suspended due to using up the bandwidth for this month. You can contact our support to purchase more bandwidth or wait until the bandwidth resets on the 1st of the month.

Due to the nature of the hosting we provide, even in a suspended state, we are still hosting your data, and allocating other resources such as an IP address to your service. As a result, automatic payments will continue – if you no longer want to keep your service then please cancel through the service page in the client area to ensure a termination occurs instead of a renewal.

Virtual Machine Solutions LLC
Support Team

Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail. Use our ticket system directly.
We are sending you this email because you have exceeded your bandwidth allocation on the virtual server listed below:

Hostname    : NavajowhiteFirsthand-VM
IP Address  : 45.66.216.*
Status      : SUSPENDED

Your virtual server has now been suspended. Please remember, bandwidth resets between the 1st and 2nd of the month, and we highly recommend you contact us if you are unsure why all of your bandwidth was used because that’s a high indication that your VPS may have malware. Please note, if you have malware, it’s very possible that the bandwidth will be used up again quickly after the reset so it’s very important to contact us and request we freeze the service from being automatically unsuspended.

Email sent on April 19, 2022, 2:49 am

You may also purchase additional bandwidth for an immediate unsuspension, using the button on the service details page.

Virtual Machine Solutions LLC

目前3台768被暂停  只能等下月了

lsin 发表于 2022-4-22 18:27

4台768一起剑皇   3个被暂停后 第四个我直接关掉ssh了  
一个一个发来的邮件 不是一起发的


kyc 发表于 2022-4-22 18:24

