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[疑问] virmach退款申请被拒绝了,这。。。。。

This ticket has been marked as "rejected" by a member of our staff.

This could mean any of the following:

Your ticket title was not descriptive and it therefore could not be sorted.
Your ticket’s main issue can be resolved by visiting and reading the knowledgebase.
Your ticket included incorrect information or requested something we don’t perform.
The request can potentially not be fulfilled due to our policies or a limitation.
This was already answered or it is not part of the support level we provide.
If this was a billing request, it most likely means you are not eligible for this being processed. If you were requesting technical support, perhaps you have a limited support plan and your request was outside of what’s covered. Your ticket may also be flagged as rejected if you may have already received a resolution in previous responses, as mentioned above, or if we do not discuss what you’re requesting as part of the normal level of support we provide (for example, you might be asking us about a promotion or a trial or something we don’t offer.)

If you do create a new request, please make sure to first review everything we have mentioned. In most cases, any further requests may also be rejected.


NEET姬 发表于 2022-4-12 21:29

Sales Department




让夫人受精了 发表于 2022-4-12 21:31

现在正在处理退款。我注意到其中一些已经被激活,所以如果发生这种情况,它将默认根据 …


我昨天退款 发在billing department,就给我回了个已收到的自动回复,到现在也没个消息

机子开通了吗?我看你帖子也给销售部门发了一个退款申请 我的机子还没开通

lei666 发表于 2022-4-12 21:36
机子开通了吗?我看你帖子也给销售部门发了一个退款申请 我的机子还没开通 …

只开了12.17的 还有2个 后面买的 一个40刀,一个70刀
