"Handling/shipped" may be 2 days to 2 weeks, currently scheduled for pickup 3/14/2022.
以下来源 Terms & Conditions
C) Fraud Protection: VirMach uses automated fraud protection on all orders, so please enter all billing information correctly. Do not use proxies when ordering, and do not try to mask your identity in any way. All payments may require additional documentation for security purposes, such as photo identification or signature.
G) Administration Fee: Customer agrees to pay a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) Administration Fee, which will be charged to Customer’s account in the event of the following situations, also reflected in our Fee Schedule:
i. Any returned payment and/or collections efforts; ii. Any withdrawal of Customer credits (if offered); iii. Any disputes/holds/chargebacks on payment; iv. Any suspension or termination due to prohibited account behavior; v. Any suspension that necessitates manual processing outside our automated system; vi. Any custom billing administration outside of current VirMach policies; vii. Any blacklisting caused per IP address;
J) Refund Policy: Certain Services and fees are non-refundable. These include any domain name purchases, special/custom purchases, limited support packages, dedicated servers, domain registrations, administrative fees, software licensing fees, and any product specifically labeled as non-refundable;
以下引自 AUP
A) Prohibited Content: i. infringes on any third party’s intellectual property or publicity/privacy rights; iv. is defamatory, violent, clearly harmful, or obscene or infringes on citizens’ rights; (想存18+的悠着点) vii. attempts to harm VirMach’s servers or other servers in any way (Attacks, CPU intensive programs for no reason, etc); (这不,还有人ddos还没弄清就想打套了cloudflare的主页呢 )
B) Circumvention Prohibited: Customer agrees not to circumvent, abuse, or attempt to circumvent or abuse VirMach security measures and/or billing system. This includes, but is not limited to: creating multiple billing accounts for the same Customer or from the same household, using multiple accounts to deposit funds exceeding amount of funds permitted, creating a billing account for someone other than Customer, or abusing bugs in VirMach’s system. Any abuse will result in account closure and immediate Service termination, without refund. VirMach does not honor any pricing mistakes on their website and reserves the right to cancel such orders.
D) High Usage Policy: (全篇,不复制了)
VirMach reserves the right to deprioritize,. power down, or suspend Customer’s Service(s) at any time in order to avoid congestion and/or disrupting the performance of other customers, which may directly affect the performance of Customer’s Service.
D) Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Customer agrees not to use VirMach Services or equipment in violation of the copyrights, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets of third parties, nor shall Customer utilize VirMach Services or equipment to publish such materials in a manner that would expose them to public view in violation of the law.
Custom Premium Support $25.00 per two (2) hours per month with add-on. Otherwise, $15.00 per fifteen (15) minutes.
还要按照这个执行吗?有几个敢说不回被扣25刀,不被删机不退款的 想要给你特殊关照下 word order?交了每两个小时的25刀吗?