本帖最后由 ixs 于 2022-4-8 18:02 编辑
重装没效果。 重装选了debian10,现在机子都是offline的。重启啥的都不好使。 小弟第一次用vir这么难用的面板。是**作有问题么。 ISO挂载和启动顺序我调过,难道因为这个? 带带弟弟 ==== 有个问题修复。点了提示: Your server’s host node appears to be down, check our server status page for more info. Please refrain from creating a support ticket unless the node has already been brought back up and your service is still offline. If none of the suggested solutions work, or if nothing was suggested, create a technical support ticket describing your issue. Please also provide us with your server’s login info by clicking the ‘add sensitive data’ button so that we may access your server and investigate. If you contact support, provide debug data: Main IP pings: false 我是只能去发工单解决了? === woc,,,提工单还要,,,15刀?啥意思 === 建了工单。好了。啥也没干。 |
本帖最后由 xiaomao 于 2022-4-8 17:42 编辑
哈哈。我就是收的! |
开不了机。把挂载的iso卸了。就能开机了。然后装centos7。再dd |
进维护模式dd |
我试一下 |
不行。 |
重装almalinux就行 |
开机状态online没有。online了vnc才会有显示, |
大佬。已经online了可用了。感谢 |